Quote challenge: Day 1

Hello everybody! This post is going to be in English although I usually write in Spanish as you know. I have a nice nomination on a Quote challenge. It´s the first time I´m doing this challenge so It´s great!. The blog Its good to be crazy sometimes has nominated me. Thank you!, ¡Gracias! I´ll try to post nice quotes. I hope you like them. Check this amazing blog, come on!


  1. Thank the person that nominated you.
  2. Post 1-3 quotes each day for 3 consecutive days.
  3. Nominate 3 bloggers each day to participate in the 3-day Quote Challenge.

My nominees are:




This is my quote (Day 1):


Life is like a journey (La vida es como un viaje)

It´s one of my favourite quotes. I think you never know where are you going to be or what is going to happen in your life. It´s a journey where many things could happen!.

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Acerca de Paula Psicóloga

Psicóloga clínica sanitaria y profesional de los recursos humanos. Especialista en inteligencia emocional, gestión de emociones y ansiedad. Fundadora y autora en Moonlight Psychology. Ver todas las entradas de Paula Psicóloga

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